
MART Scheduled Rides 

Beginning Monday, May 6, 2024, MART will offer taxi/livery options to all Stow residents.  Rides up to 20 miles to and/or from Stow will be provided at minimal cost. Click here for more info!

Roadways and Intersections

Hudson Road/Route 117 Signalization [Design Phase]Aerial photo of Hudson Rd/Route 117 intersection

The Stow Select Board authorized an expenditure of American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds to design a traffic signal for this intersection, which has been a hotspot for motor vehicle crashes in Stow for several years. The Town selected Green International Affiliates to advance the project to 100% design. Planning has applied to the MassWorks Infrastructure Program to fund construction.

75% Design Plans6/16/2023
Engineer's Responses to Public and Board comments1/23/2023
Slide Deck - Presentation to Select Board & Planning Board1/10/2023
Design Memorandum & Cost Estimate10/28/2022
MassDOT - Road Safety Audit8/18/2022
Metropolitan Planning Organization - Intersection and Traffic Signal Needs Analysis7/27/2016
Town Center Transportation Improvements [Concept Phase] 

At the May 2021 Annual Town Meeting, voters approved $60k for surveying and conceptual plans to improve transportation in Town Center. This project aims to expand ADA-compliant sidewalks and increase pedestrian safety area around many of Stow's civic buildings. The Town is working with engineers from BETA Group to provide conceptual Complete Streets designs. 

*New! Provide your feedback on the concept plans: Take the survey! 

Request for ProposalsJune 2023
BETA Group, Inc Response to Request for ProposalsJuly 2023
Boston MPO Final Technical MemoAugust 2023
Existing Conditions Technical Report (Draft)2/22/2024
Presentation (PDF) 


Sidewalk Projects

Crescent Street - Town Center [Design Phase]Locus map of sidewalks proposed for Crescent Street

Additional sidewalks along the north side of Crescent Street in Town Center is a high ranking priority in Stow's Complete Streets Prioritization Plan. Sidewalks in this location will improve neighborhood connections to both Hale and Center Schools, the Randall Library, and the Pilot Grove neighborhood. The Town has contracted with GCG Associates to design this roughly 1500' length of sidewalk, and has received a $500,000 grant through the State's Complete Streets Program to fund construction. More information can be found here

Engineering & Design Plans4/27/2023

Engineering Proposal - GCG Associates

Complete Streets Prioritization Plan (projects #7 and #21)


Trails and Shared-Use Paths

Track Road [Conceptual Design]

Since the Assabet River Rail Trail (ARRT) was initially proposed, the Town of Stow has been searching for ways to extend the route over "Track Road". This section of the former Boston & Maine Railroad is now privately owned and serves as the primary access to Crow Island Air Park, and thus faces different challenges than other segments of the ARRT.Map of ARRT in Stow In 2004 and 2008, the Town purchased a recreational easment over the full length of Track Road, which has ensured the public access enjoyed by many Stow residents today. Making further improvements has proved difficult, as vehicle access to Crow Island must be maintained over the relatively narrow right-of-way, and adjacent wetlands create further constraints. 

In 2020, the Town secured an existing conditions survey of Track Road as well as preliminary concepts for a shared use path with advisory shoulders for cyclists and pedestrians. In 2021, Congresswoman Lori Trahan's office helped secure a $750k earmark to complete engineering and design for an improved Track Road. The Town is working with Green International Affiliates to provide a new concept and design alternatives that will meet all relevant federal and MassDOT design standards while preserving private access to Crow Island.