Finance Committee


The Finance Committee is an advisory committee. Under Stow bylaws, its members are appointed by the Town Moderator. The local bylaw provides that the committee may consider any or all municipal questions but must consider all money articles on the warrant and must report its recommendations to the Town Meeting.

The Finance Committee initiates and conducts the budget process by:

  • Reviewing the annual budget request forms
  • Meeting with the various department heads and board chairs
  • Holding one or more budget hearings in preparation for issuing its recommendations to Town Meeting

Board Members

Name Title
Brian Patuto Chair, Appointed to Annual Town Meeting 2026
Kevin Gross Appointed to Annual Town Meeting 2025
Dan Petersen Appointed to Annual Town Meeting 2025
Angela Zhang Appointed to Annual Town Meeting 2027
Tom Farnsworth Appointed to Annual Town Meeting 2027

Associate Members

Vacancy One

May, 2025

Vacancy Two

May, 2025

Vacancy Three

May, 2025

Vacancy Four

May, 2025

vacancy .

May, 2025