July 2021 High School Building Project Update

In an effort to keep our community informed about the High School Building Project, the School Building Committee (SBC) of the Nashoba Regional School District has the following update: 

In April, Nashoba completed the Eligibility Period and entered into the Feasibility Period (Module 2) of the MSBA process for the High School Building Project. The first step in Module 2 is ‘Forming the Project Team’ consisting of the Owner’s Project Manager (OPM) and the Design Team. The OPM, once selected, will play a critical role in providing advice to the SBC as the building project moves through the design and construction phases. The OPM Selection Subcommittee received eleven (11) submissions in response to it’s June 2, 2021 Request for Services (RFS), a robust response. As a result, it will be presenting its OPM selection to the MSBA’s OPM Review Panel on September 13, 2021 instead of August 2, 2021 as had been tentatively anticipated. The tentative schedule only allowed for one day to review applications which was deemed to be insufficient for the number of applications received. The additional time will benefit the community by giving our volunteer OPM Selection Subcommittee enough time to properly review applications, rank them according to the selection criteria approved by the SBC in accordance with MSBA guidance, interview those who meet the minimum criteria, and negotiate with the selected candidate, prior to coming before the Review Panel. It also allows the OPM Selection Subcommittee enough time to seek and incorporate input from our new superintendent, Mr. Kirk Downing, who has just completed a middle school building project for Natick with the MSBA. If you have any questions, please contact Joseph Gleason, chair of the Nashoba SBC at jgleason@nrsd.net

Additional information can be found here:

Nashoba School Building Committee Website

Massachusetts School Building Authority  - Building with Us

Massachusetts School Building Authority - Modules Overview

Massachusetts School Building Authority - Owner's Project Manager Selection Guidance