2: Stow TV Hourly Schedule April 11-24

Mon, Wed, Fri & Sun
6:00 am- Trinity Bolton Worship Service 
7:30 am- Get Healthy with Holly 
8:00 am- First Parish Church Worship Service*
9:00 am- Nashoba Reg High Spring Choir Concert 3-26-24
10:00 am- Stow COA Stretch-Flex Class with Terri*
11:00 am- Stow COA Panel Talk- Let’s Get Organized!*
12:15 pm- COA Armchair Travel- Dan & Maddy Tour of the Republic of Ireland*
2:00 pm- Stow COA Senior Fitness Class with Terri*
3:00 pm- Nashoba Drama- A MidSummer Night's Dream 11-13*
5:00 pm- Basic Writing Class for Adults with Dyslexia 3-21-24*
5:45 pm- Nashoba District Concert- Nashoba Sings! 2024!
6:30 pm- Cathy Neptune's Kitchen - Spring Salmon
7:15 pm- COA Armchair Travel- Dan & Maddy Tour of the Republic of Ireland*
8:30 pm- Two Views of Stow Town Forest
9:00 pm- Nashoba Reg High Spring Choir Concert 3-26-24
10:00 pm- Nashoba News

Tues, Thurs, Sat 
6:00 am- Trinity Bolton Worship Service
7:15 am- Cathy Neptune's Kitchen - Spring Salmon
8:00 am- First Parish Church Worship Service*
9:00 am- Basic Writing Class for Adults with Dyslexia 3-21-24*
9:45 pm- Two Views of Stow Town Forest
10:00 am- Stow COA Senior Fitness Class with Terri*
11:00 am- Nashoba Drama- A MidSummer Night's Dream 11-13*
1:05 pm- Nashoba News 
1:30 pm- Get Healthy with Holly
2:00 pm- Stow COA Stretch-Flex Class with Terri*
3:00 pm- Nashoba Reg High Spring Choir Concert 3-26-24
4:00 pm- COA Armchair Travel- Dan & Maddy Tour of the Republic of Ireland*
5:15 pm- Two Views of Stow Town Forest 
5:45 pm- Stow COA Panel Talk- Let’s Get Organized!*
7:00 pm- Nashoba District Concert- Nashoba Sings! 2024!
7:45 pm- Cathy Neptune's Kitchen - Spring Salmon
8:30 pm- Nashoba Drama- A MidSummer Night's Dream 11-13*

Sunday Worship Services
6am- Trinity Bolton - Every Day at 6:00am 
8am-  First Parish Church of Stow & Acton- Every day at 8am* 

* also available on YouTube - StowTVNow