Election Officers/Workers


Election officers/workers are responsible for working at the polls during elections and working if there is a recount. The warden, clerk, and checkers must be available until the polls close and the tallying voters checked in and checked out is complete, usually between 6 a.m and 10 p.m. Those workers counting the ballots must be available from 7:30 p.m until the tallying is complete, usually completed by 10:30 p.m. but could be later. Election officers must follow certain guidelines in Massachusetts General Laws. They report to the Chief Election Officer. Election workers must attend at least one training workshop per year.


Registered voter. Members of Republican and Democratic parties are considered first, per Mass. General Law.


Annual appointment by the Board of Selectmen.


Contact Linda Hathaway, Town Clerk and Chief Election Official, at the Town Clerk’s office until the positions are filled.

Letter of interest, phone call, 978-897-5034 or send email.

Posted July 22, 2020