Finance Committee Meeting

Event Date: 
Tuesday, October 17, 2017 - 7:00pm to 9:00pm

Finance Committee Meeting Agenda:

 Call to order

- Product Demonstration

- Invited to Finance Committee Meeting

- Mark Jones : - Discuss town by town financial analysis

(NRSD) - Provide school budget refresher

- Review minutes from October 3, 2017

- Mail/Correspondence:

o Finance Committee bills

o Request for Fund transfers

▪ ZBA Reserve Fund Transfer Request for legal advertising and postage

- Accounts payable

- Liaison reports:

- Other Business:

o Speaking/Writing as a member of the committee vs. a private citizen

o Review Fincom calendar of initiatives

o Ongoing: Fincom work plan outline for 2017-2018 in preparation for the ATM

o Update from JN and AT on EIP program and their meeting with Bill Wrigley

o Fincom financial goals - review of departmental budgets

o Fincom message in the warrant for the annual town meeting- see Attachment B, pages 35-44

in SOP for reference

o Fincom SOP update

- Adjourn

Posted: 10/13/2017 - 10:15 a.m.

Revised posting: 10/13/17 - 4:15 p.m.